KnightQuest The Dark Bane - About
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Sir Rafael De La Rocha is a Rybalt. A Knight Paladin of the Tarkol Empire, the Rybalt are tasked with the defense of the empire from supernatural threats from within and without. One such threat is the Dark Bane, the name given to the various creatures and peoples descended from demons and the darkness of nature.
Such is his current assignment, the recovery of Elderaan. An imperial territory and his homeland, it vanished over a century ago without a trace. Now, parts of it have mysteriously reappeared. Using the newly acquire land of Silverdrake as a base of operations, he must help rebuild a kingdom, eliminate any hostile forces, and discover the cause of the vanishing and deal with it. He is not alone in his quest. He is aided by his twin sister, Diana, her guild of hunters, the Silverdrake Queen Edolyn and his former master, Dame Vanessa Storm. Together they will fight to save Elderaan and anything else they encounter.

All characters and art are copyright 2004-2012 Oran Rocha/KnightQuest Entertainment.