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KnightQuest-Online got another year older and I finally managed to draw some more pages of Last Chance TBH. More pages coming next week.
And we're back. Sorry for the delay.
We've reached 400 pages of Last Chance The Beast Hunter! To celebrate I did two pages this week instead of one. Also, I've decided to skip a lot of the set up and just return to the battles. I think the last couple of pages have kind of rambled on with me trying to explain what is going on and it may have
hurt the story and pacing. I'm thinking of using the magic school and the classes as a way to explain exposition better.
Last Sunday, KnightQuest Online turned 11. Eleven years ago I posted the first ten pages of Last Chance and started my adventures in webcomics. It hasn't been a smooth journey. My artwork has improved some what and maybe my writing. To celebrate I went back to my original output of multiple pages an update.
KnightQuest The Dark Bane has three new pages while Last Chance has two. Both comics will continue and expect to see a reunion begins next week.
And Last Chance TBH is back from hiatus! Fallen Leaf is the new chapter and I have this cover and two new pages up that feature the strange new hooded figure from last chapter. I may have a new page up next week and updates maybe spotty.
Okay, I had plan to post something a while ago, but I never had the time. Working on this comic and The Dark Bane can eat up most of your time. I put this series on hold back in september because I need a break. I had a tendency to rush through things
in order to meet update deadlines. And I think the comic suffered from that many times. I had planned to have the next chapter start with those hooded figures you saw in the last page or Susie in the heat of battle. But, I figured I should try to explain just what the hell is going
on in this series and I figured Tygercat is the best character to do that. When Last Chance resumes we will see things from his perspective and then get to Susie beating the crap out of bad guys. Once I get a understandable story together and thumb most of the chapter,
the next update should happen a hell of a lot quicker.
Thought it over and felt this is a better end point for the chapter. You'll find out who the hooded figure is in the next chapter.
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've needed some time to step back and examine the comic as a whole. This current chapter has become the longest one yet and it wasn't planned that way. I usually have around 44-45 pages a chapter, this one
is around 65. The current way I produce these pages isn't the most productive. I start a chapter without a ending or I have an ending but no middle. And quite often I have no script to work off of. The next page will be the last page for a while. I need to
really have a completed story for a chapter before I begin drawing. The comic is not ending. I will post sketches in the meantime and The Dark Bane will still update.
And were back with a new page of Last Chance.
A lot of things happened and all I had time to do was to scan in an old sketch of Susie in a bikini.
Ryumei returns. The last time she was seen was back in chapter six It All Falls Down and makes her prescence felt. I've also made some changes to the comic. Just the font for right now, I decided to wait for the next chapter before go ahead with the new character looks.
No comic this week, but I do have a sketch of Lastus, who may be making a appearance soon.
And we have reached page 375 of Last Chance The Beast Hunter (That is if you exclude the first comic, Last's Chance). It only took a decade and I think I have a better understanding of what the hell I'm doing.
Just a preview of the next page. I've been busy working out the plot of the story again.
Only had time to upload this sketch of Last. I'm been toying with changing the looks of my characters. Instead of just doing a generic anime style I want to develop my own style more.
Back after a short break. Every now and then I have to take a step back and see where the story is heading and remind myself where it's been. I don't have a outline or script written out ahead of time. Aside from some plots, I'm making this all up as I go along. It's not the best way to do things, but it leaves me with some freedom.
And here is yet another page of Last Chance. Don't forget that I updated with a new page yesterday.
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