Rybalt Quartermaster sketch - KnightQuest The Dark Bane Gallery

KnightQuest The Dark Bane - Rybalt Quartermaster
Quick sketch of the Rybalt wizard class, The Quartermaster, with staff. The majority of the current Rybalt order is made
up of Knights Paladin, who are trained to fight supernatural forces with the aid magic objects. They are not full mages. The order's wizard
class is tasked with creating the various spells, potions, magic weapons, and etc. The Quartermasters are essential
to the Rybalt as the paladins in the field are not able to be fully trained mages. General De La Rocha, Dame Storm and Sir Rafael,
coming from an older generation of Rybalt, are at mage level.
All artwork by Oran Rocha unless otherwise noted.
Rybalt Quartermaster copyright KnightQuest Entertainment