Ciri punk scifi WIP - KnightQuest Gallery

Fan Art - Cyberpunk Witcher Ciri group wip
This is a crap render of a picture I started last summer. It started with Ciri from The Witcher, in a cyberpunk setting. I gave her new hair, a gun, outfit and a bike and placed her in a warehouse. Then I started adding in other characters and
elements that I purchased from daz3d but hadn't use yet. The problem is that I the more I added, the bigger and harder it was to render the file. Hell, it took a long time just to get it open. Anyway, I recreated the initial image I had for this image. It's slightly different from the original, but it close. If I get a better computer, I try to render it again.
Updated the picture slighty in photoshop since some the element came out as clear in the original picture.