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Made some minor updates. Comics are still on hiatus. More to come.
Well, I've updated the gallery again with some new 3d rendered fanart. Commamder Shepard, Lara Croft, D.Va, Daenerys Targaryen and others are apart of this update.
Added some new renders to the gallery.
More added to the gallery.
Added some more 3d renders to the gallery and also a link to my youtube videos.
Even more images have been added to the gallery.
I've updated the gallery page with some images I've done in Daz3d.
I'm working on the next chapters of The Dark Bane and Last Chance. Until then, I've uploaded a commission sketch of Red Sonja by Buzz, a 3d fantasy image and a videos page. Yes, I have a youtube channel for some reason.
Okay. I haven't really updated in a while. Like over a year. I was still dealing with my father's death and other things. But I'm back with two new pages of the Dark Bane and one of Last Chance. New updates may be a bit hit or miss as trying to
work on these three pages kinda of kicked my ass and I had forgotten a lot of things trying to upload them here. But I will complete these chapters, slowly get rid of links that no longer work, upload pictures I took at cons and work on the next chapters. More later.
Two new pages of The Dark Bane are up to make up for the delay. Something of a explanation is up on The Dark Bane page and the next update should by Aug 11.
Sorry again for the lack of updates. Guess I haven't really gotten over my father's death that well. Anyway, I'm slowy drawing again and have three new pages up. Two pages of Dark Bane and one of Last Chance. More comics next week.
Sorry for the lack of updates. The last time I updated was during the early hours of April 30. Later that day, just before 11am my father died. A lot of stuff happened. A week later we were in
grambling, louisiana for a funeral. So I been kind of out of it for the past couple of weeks. Lucky for me I finished DB240 at the same time as I did the last update. I'm slowly getting back in the swing of things. More next week.
New pages of KnightQuest The Dark Bane and also Last Chance The Beast Hunter returns to help celebrate's anniversary.
Two new pages of KnightQuest The Dark Bane to help celebrate the fact that the KnightQuest-Online domain is another year older. More comics are coming to help celebrate. More later.
New pages of The Dark Bane and Last Chance is back with a new page.
A new page of the Dark Bane is up and the line art for the next page is done. Hopefully I will slowly build up a new buffer of pages and won't miss an update like last week. I may also have a some special stories ready for the anniversary that happens in april. More later.
KnightQuest The Dark Bane is back with a new page after a brief break. As I was concentrating of the Dark Bane, I was unable to draw a Last Chance page this week. Both comics should update next week.
Last Chance TBH is back with a new page as am I. Sorry for the lack of updates since december. Things got odd. I'm getting back into producing pages and the Dark Bane should be back next week.
Sorry for the lack of front page updates but I'm currrently rewriting the next couple of pages of Last Chance TBH which is why once again there isn't a new comic. But, there is a new page of The Dark Bane and The Bear From Beyond. More next week.
We've reached 400 pages of Last Chance The Beast Hunter! To celebrate I did two pages this week instead of one. Also, I've decided to skip a lot of the set up and just return to the battles. I think the last couple of pages have kind of rambled on with me trying to explain what is going on and it may have
hurt the story and pacing. I'm thinking of using the magic school and the classes as a way to explain exposition better.
Another update.
Last Sunday KnightQuest Online turned 11. To celebrate I went back to multiple pages. The Dark Bane has three pages this week and Last Chance has two. As Last Chance reaches page 400 the action should pick up again as everyone starts to reconnect. And the lycanthrope side of the De La Rochas, which was always present, will come up in the next coming pages. More later.
Monday was Labor Day here in the States. The end of Summer. Looking back I've had a really interesting one. Anyway, this update is late because I went and saw Man of Steel yet again. This time at the Byrd Theatre on the cheap. Beside the fact it was the LOUDEST showing of it I've seen all summer, it was great.
Sorry for the late update. My dad had to be check back into the hospital last week and it completely knocked everything out of whack.
UPDATE! Last Chance The Beast Hunter has returned as well with a new page.
My father's doing better and I manage to start updating the site with new comics last week. Last Chance should resume by tomorrow.
Sorry for the delay but I was working on new pages for The Dark Bane and Last Chance. Last thursday was the anniversary of this domain and I wanted to celebrate. I'll try to update with new pages of Last Chance when I can.
A new page of The Dark Bane is up. And as of last week I renewed KnightQuest-Online and noticed that, Hey the site's anniversary is coming up! I should get off my ass and restart Last Chance TBH up to celebrate that. So, there's something to look forward to. Hopefully.
Chronicle 5 of the Dark Bane starts today with two new pages.
After a delay of a week the last page of the Dark Bane's fourth chapter is now up. The next chapter
should be up next week although the nothing about it has been completely locked down. I might call it Nation Building as we return to Silverdrake. It might be something else. I haven't decided. It could be or this is a rare April's Fool joke from me. We'll see.
The Dark Bane reaches 200 pages with today new comic.
The current chapter of KnightQuest The Dark Bane nears as does page 200. In the next chapter we should will see a return to Silverdrake, the dragon queen, the fallout Anvil's fall, the scarred elves and much more. I've also uploaded some Supergirl fanart in the gallery and posted something new
on the Last Chance TBH page. It will return from hiatus but not with the same frequency as before. I'm going to try to improve the quality of what I make and not rush it out like I did many times before to make a deadline. More later
A new page of the Dark Bane is up. As things go I have the next two DarkBane pages already inked to the point that the next comic should be up next monday. If this keeps up I may be able to start drawing Last Chance TBH pages again.
Posted a new page of KnightQuest The Dark Bane this morning. The first bit of new art for 2013. I'm still recovering from a cold that wiped me out last week which explains the late update. Not the best start to a new year but I hope to get better soon.
Last post of 2012 and last new comic with the latest Dark Bane update. 2012 wasn't completely bad, but it wasn't good either. My updates weren't always on time, the artwork wasn't at its best or abundant and the stories were completely clear. I hope to improve on all that in 2013 and
have Last Chance return and finally finish up other projects that have been on the back burner.
Been busy planning exactly I should end the current chapter which complete changes the way the next chapter will play out. Not really that drastic except for the fact that it goes back to the original way I wanted The Dark Bane to go. It should shed some more light on the Neion that appeared at the end
of the first chapter.
Happy Dance all around! I've been working on creating more "alien" races for The Dark Bane. I've finally got a basic head structure done for a new race which I'm calling the El'lisa. The name's not final yet, but most of the overall look is done. Take a peek below.

Nothing really new except that I've started saving the Dark Bane pages slighty larger than I have in the past.
Did a bit of house cleaning so to speak. I've updated the Dark Bane Story So Far page along with a new page of The Dark Bane. Also this is the second page I've done using blue lead for the pencils. It's
been a hell of a lot easier than the last time I tried this. Although, last time, I used a non-repo blue watercolor pencil and not the blue pencil lead.
Started updating the comics again. However, after next week, Last Chance will go on a break while I work on the next chapter. The Dark Bane will continue to update.
Not only is there a new page of The Dark Bane but I updated the gallery with some new art and correct gallery names. And fixed some of the next buttons in the Dark Bane archive. It's always the little things you miss.
I missed the Dark Bane update last friday/weekend because I got distracted. But, I did manage to pencil, ink, scan, and letter the next page of Last Chance in just three hours. I think that's an improvement.
Everybody dance! Last Chance The Beast Huner is back with a new comic page.
I had some Slight problems last week which means that only the Dark Bane gets a update. Trying to get my crap back together.
Okay,it seems that last week the site got hacked. I spent monday and tuesday deleting old pages and uploading ALL ofmy original pages. Which is why the new page of the Dark Bane is late.
Last Chance TBH reaches a benchmark today with page 375! I know it would mean more if it was the 375th issue, but I'm calling 375 pages a milestone. And as a added bonue, Last makes a return to the comic.
I fell behind on updates as I was working on various things, the plot for future Last Chance stories and character designs. But, I do have a new page of The Dark Bane up as well as a preview of the next page of Last Chance TBH.
Only had time to upload this sketch of Last. I'm been toying with changing the looks of my characters. Instead of just doing a generic anime style I want to develop my own style more.
Fell behind on the pages and only finished page LC374 while I still need to letter the next page of The Dark Bane.
The current page of The Dark Bane was delayed due to the fact that thursday, my aunt and sister flew into attend my father's retirement luncheon, which was on friday. I managed to finish the inks this morning before I went to free comic book day and to see the Avengers. It was awesome!
New page of The Dark Bane and a couple of new sketches in the galleries.

And here is yet another page of Last Chance. Don't forget that I updated with a new Last Chance page yesterday.
Was dealing with my taxes and that took up most of my time in addition I misplace the thumbsnails for the Dark Bane page 160. I've updated The Dark Bane and Last Chance TBH with a new page and I'll "try" a new page of Last Chance monday.
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been busy with taxes. I'll try to get back on track for friday's update. Until then here's a sketch from my supervillain files, gitahn shock troops.

Okay, slighty late but a new page of The Dark Bane is up as well a a new page of The Bear From Beyond. I have no idea when you can expect the next page of BFB, I plan on finishing that story up.
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