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Somethings came up and I was unable to work on any pages this week. I did manage to start work on the pages yesterday morning and I'm posting the Dark Bane's page today. Last Chance will be posted monday.
Just a quick update. I rescanned DB154 and it should look better than it did now. And I've also added an About page for the DarkBane and a Awesome Man pic to the gallery.
Ran into some trouble with a couple of panels for the next page of the Dark Bane. Which means it won't be done until this friday and it also the reason why the new Last Chance page is late.
Chronicle Four The Tybalt starts now. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, the cover to chapter four is now up. Which is weird in the fact that I finished it weeks ago, even before I started to pencil the last three pages of chapter 3. Also, Gallery Four mostly finished. It now has Dark Bane artwork while I moved all the supervillain pics to
Gallery 1 with the KnightQuest superheroes. That's one of the reasons why I missed monday's Last Chance update. A new page should be up by the weekend.
The Dark Bane reaches page 150 with today's new page. Also, I've mostly finish the new look for gallery one. It now has both Superheroes and Villains in it. Gallery Four, still undergoing changes, will have Dark Bane artwork. More changes to come.
A quick update, Last Chance has been updating once a week with a new comic. The Dark Bane should be back to normal by this friday, and I'm slowly making some changes to art gallery. I'm changing things around and looking to update it with more art. Better art.
Black friday screwed up my schedule. But, I've managed to update both comics today. Updates should get back on track by next week.
Ran into a little hiccup on the Last Chance update. I came back home after work today thinking that I was just going to do a quick update. Only to find out that that ain't happening. What I thought was a finished page turned out to be one that I had only had just scanned in and cleaned up. It has no dialogue, no word balloons or anything else. So it looks like the finish comic won't be up until tomorrow. Until then enjoy the black and white art.
Just in case I lose power due to the big storm, I'm updating Last Chance as well as The Dark Bane today. I'm finishing the first Dark Bane book and I'm ready to start on the next book.
Sorry for the delay. Last week my father got out of the hospital and I stayed over at his house for four days straight. Which meant that I couldn't get to my computer or any of my files. Even though I had about four pages ready for each comic, I only posted one new page for both comics. This is all I could manage this time and to make up for missing friday's update. Since I don't know when I'll get back to my computer, the next update is up in the air.
I'm back with not just one, but two new pages of The Dark Bane.This rate of output may last into next week. May not. Come back again and let's see.
Last Chance is new with two new pages instead of the usual one. I may manage this feat yet again next monday. And in an attempt to start this again, I've also posted a sketch of high elf prince Halian on the Dark Bane page. A new DB page should be done by this friday.
I'm updating the Dark Bane a bit early as my father is still in the hospital and I might not have enough time to update the site on friday. As for Last Chance, it will update on monday.
A quick update, Last Chance has been updating once a week with a new comic. The Dark Bane should be back to normal by this friday, and I'm slowly making some changes to art gallery. I'm changing things around and looking to update it with more art. Better art.
Black friday screwed up my schedule. But, I've managed to update both comics today. Updates should get back on track by next week.
Ran into a little hiccup on the Last Chance update. I came back home after work today thinking that I was just going to do a quick update. Only to find out that that ain't happening. What I thought was a finished page turned out to be one that I had only had just scanned in and cleaned up. It has no dialogue, no word balloons or anything else. So it looks like the finish comic won't be up until tomorrow. Until then enjoy the black and white art.
Just in case I lose power due to the big storm, I'm updating Last Chance as well as The Dark Bane today. I'm finishing the first Dark Bane book and I'm ready to start on the next book.
Sorry for the delay. Last week my father got out of the hospital and I stayed over at his house for four days straight. Which meant that I couldn't get to my computer or any of my files. Even though I had about four pages ready for each comic, I only posted one new page for both comics. This is all I could manage this time and to make up for missing friday's update. Since I don't know when I'll get back to my computer, the next update is up in the air.
I'm back with not just one, but two new pages of The Dark Bane.This rate of output may last into next week. May not. Come back again and let's see.
Last Chance is new with two new pages instead of the usual one. I may manage this feat yet again next monday. And in an attempt to start this again, I've also posted a sketch of high elf prince Halian on the Dark Bane page. A new DB page should be done by this friday.
I'm updating the Dark Bane a bit early as my father is still in the hospital and I might not have enough time to update the site on friday. As for Last Chance, it will update on monday.
Early update of Last Chance. The Dark Bane will be updated this friday.
Updating both Last Chance and the Dark Bane with a new page each. Check back this friday for another comic. I'm thinking about staggering the updates for now on, having LC update on one day and DB update a couple of days later. Or at the very least moved back to friday updates. And you can also check updates now on twitter.
Doing some reworking of the site right now. I've moved some of the older posts, found and fix some broken links in the comic archives that I missed and I'm adding of updating pages that our long overdue. Two new LC and Dark Bane comics will be updated later today.
We've got two new pages of Last Chance and I managed to salvage the Dark Bane page I was working on last week. Speaking of the DB I've also upload a new WIP sketch of the Dark Bane book cover, now in color. I've also been tweaking things here and there on the site which is why the update took a while.
Okay, I'm posting this up a day early as I missed a couple of updates. Work got in the way again and I finally got a chance to draw last wednesday. I managed to draw and ink 4 pages of Last Chance, two of which are now up. I tried to draw a page of the Dark Bane but I wasn't liking how it was looking so I scrapped it. But, I did managed to do the sketch of the cover to Dark Bane book I've been planning.
All I got to do is create the bonus pages and it should be ready. As for the comic, a new page of the Dark Bane should be up with the next update.
Sorry for the delay. I had to go back and reletter LC329 since the original size I saved it at was smaller the normal. I'm also working on a new page design for the Dark Bane. It should be up soon.
I'm back with two new pages of The Dark Bane and Last Chance.
Sorry for the lack of updates but I needed sometime to do other things. Since the last time I've updated here, I've done some minor repairs around my house. Things that really should have been taken care of before but I only just got to recently. Also, I needed some time to just to relax. Anyway, I've updated the Dark Bane with a new page and check back again monday as I update Last Chance and the Dark Bane again.
No comics this week but I do have something to post. I've updated the gallery with a couple of sketches. I've posted a couple of new sketches in the supervillains gallery and some redesigns of Matrix, the fake supergirl of '80s. I'm still tweaking the design here and there so it not perfect and it is a quick sktech.

Okay, I kind of skipped a couple of week there in between updates. Other things kind up came up and took my focus away from updating the webcomics. But, I'm back now and I've started to do some sketchcards as well. Some of them are fanart and others our my own characters. Check out the gallery to see them. I'll be posting some more later on.
No new comics this week as I ran out of time to draw anything. But I do have some new art for the Dark Bane to put up. I'm trying to get the first chapter of the Dark Bane collected together for a book and I'm currently working on the cover and various extras to be included. This sketch of Queen Edolaine is one such first attempt. I'll try to get some new comics done something this week or the next.
Another late update. Only one page each for the Dark Bane and Last Chance. I'll try to get back to two pages updates next week.
Sorry for the delay. Taxes and other stuff came up. Last Chance and The Dark Bane are back with two new pages.
I'm back with two new pages of Last Chance and one new page of the Dark Bane. I'm also working on collecting the first chapter of the Dark Bane into a print comic in the near future.
I'm back quicker than I expected. I have one of those printer/scanner combos and I managed to get some work done over the weekend. Last Chance is back with two new pages. The Dark Bane will update next week. I just didn't have enough time to work on it. You can see a preview panel here. Once again, I'm back. The webcomics will be updating again and hopefully I'll have more than just comics to put up here.
I have a habit of not saying anything for a long while between actual webcomic updates here on the site. Weeks ago, the old old computer I was using had another crash and I finally had had enough and bought a brand new computer. I was already planning to do it but this incident forced my hand. The problem is that my scanner, my printer and even my digital camera don't work with windows 7. Hence, I haven't been able to scan a damn thing. Now, I just solved my internet connection problem I was having with my dial-up by switching to clearwire.
Now all this upgrading has left me with a few new bills to pay in addition to the ones I already had. I had to add an extra day to my schedule work and it won't be until the end of this month that I'll be able to get one of those scanner/printers and start posting comics up here again.
We're back, after just a week, with an double update. This time with a little bit more action than last week. Susie returns to the center stage in rare form over in Last Chance and the Duke of War starts cleaning up the countryside in The Dark Bane. Now I have to go and draw the pages for next week.
I'm back after a long break with four new pages. Last Chance and The Dark Bane each have two new pages and two more already in the can. Once again I had to stop and come up with a story for LC's tenth chapter. Changes begins with a story that may lead to a complete overhaul of the story. Anyway, I have more pages to plot and draw and a somewhat weekly schedule to keep. More next week.
Two new pages of The Dark Bane are up as promised.
I'm back after two months with new pages of Last Chance. I ran into a couple of problems and just yesterday I managed to get photoshop working on my old computer. It's been a weird trip down memory lane as I relearn what makes the computer freeze when I'm working on a comic page. That was the last real hurdle I had to overcome. Editing a comic without Photoshop for me means using mspaint. I did one page and it looked like crap.
Anyway the next two pages of the Dark Bane should be done later this week. Until then here is some Super Mario fanart.

Well, Last Chance and The Dark Bane have been updated with two new pages each. I may or may not be getting a new computer soon. If I do, then this will make it a hell of a lot easier to scan and work on pages as I now have to use two different computers in a tiny space. Check back next week for more comics.
I've got the drawing and inking of the pages handled. It's scanning them all that seems to be the problem. KnightQuest-Online is back with new pages of Last Chance, The Dark Bane, and Bear From Beyond whose story I've lost my mojo for. Hopefully, I can recover some love for the plot and finish the story. Check back next week for more.
Still adjusting to various things. It has kind of thrown off my updates and other things. Hopefully I can get things back to normal around here.
Sorry for the lack of updates but I've been taken it easy. Work was getting to me and I needed a break. Didn't plan on it being nearly three weeks long but I'm back. Along with two new pages each of our regular series I've also added a new page of The Bear From Beyond. I prefer to have at least one BFB story finished.
Okay, if you didn't check out the livejournal, I've move my webcomic updates to monday from now on. This affects the Dark Bane and Last Chance. I done this as I now have the whole weekend to work on the comic pages and real life crap and then update the comic monday afternoons after I get off work. This is the way things have worked out the past couple of weeks so I finally decided to make the change permanent.
Last Chance and The Dark Bane have both been updated. I've also added some link banners to each comic that can be found at the bottom of the page.
And we've hit the big numbers! With this update, Last Chance has reached over 300 pages of the current series. And the Dark Bane finally reaches 100 pages.
Well, I missed updating over the weekend, but today is alright as well. Sam and her beasts finish up their battle over at Last Chance and we learn more about the history of the Silverdrakes in the pages of the Dark Bane. And for those of you wondering, I will try to get new pages up by this weekend.
I've been busy with other stuff. I've been trying to work out the story for the next chapter of the Dark Bane which has started. I haven't completely plotted it out and I have no idea where I'm going with the story. But for those of you who want a quick update I've created a story page. As for Last Chance, page 294 is the last page I originally plotted out for chatpter 7. This being chapter 9, everything from page LC295 will be all new and the story will get back to Last, the wizard and the spirit.
I've updated the site with one new page each for Last chance and The Dark Bane, which ends its second chapter. This is gonna be the update for the week as work has been a complete drain on me and more and more I get the desire to hunt for a second, less stressful job. I've also updated the Gallery page.
Got caught up in the Dark Bane world map again to the point I had no time to even start drawing anything last week. I think I now have a good idea where I want everything to be in relation to each other. Then there was the VaComicon again and work was no help at all. But I managed to do 3 pages of Last and 2 of The Dark Bane to make up for it.
Sorry about last week. I got held up trying to make the current pages of both comics make since. I made a editorial decision with Last Chance, the next couple of pages in the story dealt with the aftermath of the battle between Last and Coultan and it was just fanservice in the girl's lockerroom and I wanted to move on the next part of the chapter. That and the fact the number of beasts showing up in the comic had been down for some time now. As for the Dark Bane, I had to stop and completely redraw the page.
Anyway, LC is nearing 300 pages, the DB will reach 100 with the next chapter and I used the extra time to finish a sketch of Last, Phirelle and Elise.
Seeing as last thursday marked yet another year since I got this domain and moved to a new host, I'm posting 2 new pages of the Dark Bane and 2 pages for Last Chance. And I have to say it was a wise decision. Most of what I've done in the current chapters of Last Chance and the Dark Bane would have been impossible. Hell, most of what I'm doing would have gotten the site deleted. It tooks some time but I'm now doing the stories I want to do, without having to worry that my webhost might object.
The Dark Bane has two new pages and a bit of new art up while Last Chance has one new page.
And we are back after a good deal of time. I needed some time away from the comic in order to work on my taxes and to actually live on my days off work. Now all I have to do is go over them again and they're done. As for the updates from now on they'll be limited to one page updates for each comic. I really don't like to do this as it does slow down the story but the time it takes to pencil, ink, scan, letter, resize, and what I'll call a lame attempt at "color" is taking too damn long. There might be more pages for this domain's anniversary, but it isn't set in stone.
No new comics this week as I'm working on my taxes. But, if you check the both Last Chance and the Dark Bane pages you should see a couple of new sketches to hold you over until next week.
Another 4 page update. Two pages of Last Chance and The Dark Bane. Last thursday I posted some sketches on both pages to hold people over until I posted the next comic. I'll do it again next thursday as well since I really haven't been keeping up with the art part of this site for a long time.
Another late update this week. But, I did start to pencil the next five pages of Last Chance, which should cut down on the production next for the next couple of weeks.
Hopefully, this will be up by friday. Sorry for the delay, but last week was just crap. I hurt my arm shoveling snow two weeks ago. I really noticed it the next day at work, which all that week was tedious and dreadful. What was once new, different, and okay when compared to my other job is just plain crap now and I really need to find another job. Lack of sleep is one of the main reason and I've got just two more weeks to go until the move back our hours and I can get more than 3 hours of sleep before going in to work on mondays. Here's hoping.
Another weekend update. I've also gone back and fixed some of the errors I've made to the last couple of pages. LC266 and DB069 have been fixed. And if you want me to update more than just once a week, I could always use a couple of donations here and there. Just click the V for Vendetta button over there on the left and it'll take you to paypal.
After a week or two I'm back with new comics. I'm sorry for the lack of updates. That's something I'm hoping to work on over the next year, improving my update schedule and the look of this site.
Another late update, one reason was due to the snow storm. The other was after I finished the pencils of the new pages, I decided to try my hand at some sketches. Add in a cold I've been fighting since tuesday morning getting worse and sleeping most of the time, I had no time to draw any new Last Chance pages. I'll try again later this week.
Late update, I had to rewrite page 45 of the Dark Bane, since most of what I wrote before hand was exposition of why Dame Storm was in Pamona. This chapter started originally around whats now page 57, but I added in a bunch of pages in the beginning to better explain what was going on and the danger of the vampires. So I rewrote the page on the fly. And some good news for those Last Chance fans, I've got a bunch of pages
sketch out. It's enough that I can start the next chapter by next week, hopefully. Its not a finish "script" like the Dark Bane has, but more than enough time has passed.
Got hung up with some things. Two weeks ago I went to the VA Comiccon. It was held at the same place they had RavenCon, so that was a little weird and cramp. It was only two days and aside from a costume show on Sunday, all the panels took place on Saturday. All of which I missed. I didn't really care since it only cost $10 to get in and I managed to get autographs form Larry Hama and Chris Clairemont, among others. I was busy searching the various dealers tables for back issues. A crap load of comics for under a $1 was refreshing as hell. I mean, I like my current comic shop, I been going to them for years, but I do miss the dollar bins that the shop I went to during college had. And last weekend I had to deal with Black Friday at the store. I got there at 6am, had to park on the side of of the store since the parking lot was packed , which was a first and when I got in there, their was line from the front check lanes, all of which were manned, which is rare, that streched all the way to the back. At least I was in the back pulling toys and not out in the store dealing with people. Anyway, I'm still working on the next chapter of Last Chance, it may be a while before I get some story and order to it, and the Dark Bane will continue.
Okay, things happened over the weekend that prevented me from finishing all the pages on time. One was my birthday, renewing my license, dealing with the fact that I'm off work this week and most of next. Chapter Nine of Last Chance is now done. I'm a little behind on plotting of the next chapter so it'll be a while before the next one starts. But, The Dark Bane is still going strong. I even added in a page into the story. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the next couple of pages down by the weekend.
Wanting to get to the bit with the blood, I managed to do 3 pages of the Dark Bane this time. Last Chance has two new pages as well as two new characters. Although, you won't see much of them for a while as the next chapter shifts back to Susie and everyone else back on Kimua Adon and this chapter is pages away from its end. Next update should be next week around my birthday. Hopefully, we won't have anything crazy to do at work and I won't get too sidetrack to hold up the comic. You know other than catching up with my DVD watching. I've just got Dr.Horrible, Trick 'r Treat, Transformers 2 and Heavy Metal. Plus, remember this thursday is the 5th of November. Gotta get my guy fawkes on with V. Oh, and I also have to vote. God, can't wait til all the political crap is over with. More next week.
Oct. 24, 2009
I managed to do four new pages this update. Two new pages each for Last Chance and The Dark Bane. Last Chance has reached 260 pages with this update. I kinda feel like it should have more pages by this point, but with work, lack of sleep, and other real life crap, my output has been down this year. Although, with the next update I should have two new characters introduces that have appeared before as a voting incentive. The next update should be up next saturday.
Oct. 17, 2009
Started drawing the latest pages friday morning, finished the inks that night and finished lettering them this afternoon. Even though I still missed the friday update I say this was much faster than previous posts. Having a finish script does help. Even so, I have a feeling most updates are going to happen on saturdays for the time being. Now I'm off to surf the internet and watch Heavy Metal and John Carpenter's The Thing. More next weekend.
Oct. 10, 2009
Sleep cycle is still weird. Only had to work one day last week and I basically did nothing but sleep. Like more than 8 hours at a time. Was pretty well rested for work, only to find out that it was just me and another person on my team there, and they were only going to be there until 9am. I knew that meant I wasn't going to do a full day and I didn't. Anyway, I came home and I finished the script to Dark Bane and I've spent the last couple of days drawing the first batch of pages. Which are a couple of reasons why I didn't post anything for the site's 7th anniversary. The Lady Nemesis, the second chapter, has started and The Beast Hunter still continues.
Sept. 27, 2009
Work has been weird this week and I've had a messed up sleep pattern. Even so, I've managed to get two more pages of Last Chance done. Also, the dark bane prelims pages has new sketches as well.
Sept. 19, 2009
Yet another late update, but this time I'm back with sketches. Last Chance has two more comics and I've updated the prelims page for the Dark Bane. As KnightQuest-Online nears it's 7th birthday I'm getting ready to start drawing the next chapter of the Dark Bane. But, first I need to finish the script. More next week.
Sept 4, 2009
Still working on the Dark Bane story, that's why the update is a week late. The story is getting larger and coming along rather nicely. I've also decided to do something different with the front page. Anyway, its already september and we've finally reached over 250 pages of Last Chance TBH. I don't know if I'll have anything next week but I'll try, the Dark Bane story is kind of taking priority over everything else.
Aug 14, 2009
With luck this is yet another week that I've managed to update the site despite problems with my internet. LC249 is completely done already and I'm ready to start on drawing more pages in a big block like I did last time. More next week.
July 31, 2009
I'm back, two pages are inked, three more are waiting to be ink, and everything needs to be scanned and lettered. As for the delay this time, I had a little problem with my computer a while back. As in, it froze, I rebooted , and it wouldn't get it out of DOS. I just got an error that I don't fully remember except it stated Something about low disk space. I was already pissed because early that day, my digital converter box started making a noise and when I turned it off, it wouldn't come back on. So, super pissed now, I did something stupid and erased my windows folder. Long story short I as of yet can't get my old computer to work. Lucky for me, my brother gave us one of his old computers and I'm using that now. Most of my files were put on a hard drive that I've now installed in the new computer. The bad news is that it appears I may have lost somethings on the old computer and some programs just won't run correctly, like my scanner. Anyway, new comics should be up sometime next week. Until then, you'll have to get by with this rough sketch of Last's new beast girl who will be appearing in the near future. More next week.
June 20, 2009
Took last week off to do a rewrite. It needed to be done, since as it was, the story came off a little like the Ghost Rider movie. The bad guy shows up, blasts the hero and then is quickly eliminated. It needed more action and less Last and the princess talking back and forth. I usually go over my "script" and see how well things are flowing and rewrite/redraw things as needed. This part need a major overhaul. Well, I got a lot of things that need another look at. More next week.
June 7, 2009
Okay, the update this week was late, but I still got it done. Two new pages of Last Chance are up. And I've decided to do bonus comics. But, only if enough people donate to the site. So if you want more of Last and his beasts in a short story, with some possible fanservice, just go here.
May 29, 2009
Last Chance resumes with two new pages. I haven't finished writing the rest of this chapter yet but I should have comics done for next week.
May 24, 2009
Okay, it's been a while. I've been haven't a bit of writer's block and various things to tend with in real life that's put the comics on hold. Also, last week I was at my brother's place for his graduation from graduate school. While there I was checking out the site on his computer and finally admitted to myself that I had a serious problem. The monitor I used at home was old and despite the fact I had it set as bright as it could get still was too dark and nearly all of my comic pages looked like shit. So, after I replace the monitor with a newer model that my brother gave me, I spent most of this week correcting most of my pages. I'm still uploading the new pages of Last Chance, but the other comics should be up now. Right now I'm plotting out the rest Drow Princess chapter and getting back to drawing new pages soon.
Apr 05, 2009
All four pages of Dark Bane are now complete. It took nearly two years but the first chatper is now complete. It will be some time before the next chapter starts while I work on other comics I want to see print. I also update Last Chance with one new page.
Apr 03, 2009
I originally planned to post the last four pages of the Dark Bane together. But, I've had problems with my computer over the weekend that prevented that. I was working on DB043 when photoshop kept informing me I didn't have enough memory to continue. It turns out when I reinstalled everything I lost some space that I should have had. Which meant that I couldn't continue or even save the work I had already done. And I had just scanned in a new page of Last Chance. So, I defragged my computer, took a first stab at my taxes and decided to post these two pages up.
Mar 27, 2009
I've finished inking the last 4 pages of the Dark Bane and I'm lettering the last two pages now. They should be finish and posted up here by this weekend.
Mar 15, 2009
The scanner has a new power adapter and is working again. As long as nothing else goes wrong, I'll have some new pages up by this friday.
Feb 27, 2009
The next update is going to be delayed. I had finished inking LC237 last weekend and came home from work monday prepare to at least scan it in when I found out that my scanner wouldn't work. So until I get a new scanner or fix the broken one KnightQuest is on a break. I'll continue to draw pages so hopefully I'll have a nice big number of comics ready and done.
Jan 17, 2009
It been two months since the last update, but The Dark Bane returns with two new pages. And Last Chance continues as well.
Jan 10, 2009
KnightQuest and Last Chance are back for the new year. I'm working on the finally pages of the Dark Bane's first chapter and working on a story I want to submit to a publisher. I'm looking forward to a great year in 2009! And maybe some fanart from you all.
Dec. 13, 2008
Only one new page of Last Chance today>. It may be a day late, but it's a new comic none the less.
Dec 08, 2008
And I'm back. Sorry it took so long. First, I took a week off to enjoy my birthday, then I started to focus on the current chapters of Last Chance and the Dark Bane, then I got a cold and with my work schedule and Thanksgiving I had no time to recover or draw any pages. I finally got better last week and started to draw. I should have something more posted here this friday.
Nov 24, 2008
Okay, I took a weekend off to enjoy my birthday two weeks ago. Last week I got sidetrack by plotting out the the current chapter of Last Chance, the final 4 pages of the Dark Bane, and its next chapter. Speaking of which, the sketch above is a work in progress of the vampire rogues that will be the villains and a headshot of Dame Storm, the protaganist of the next chapter. It'll be a while before you see chapter 2 since I want the plotting of the entire chapter to be done and finished before I start drawing. Having to come up with new pages at the last minute is one of the main reason why the comics get delayed. Any way, I hope to have some new pages up sometime this week. Don't hold your breath for a friday update since I have to work black friday.
Nov 07, 2008
I've had a cold for most of this week and I've fallen behind on drawing the comics. So I've decided to take the day off to celebrate my birthday and update the comics next week. Oh, and RocknRolla is a good movie.
Nov 04, 2008
The Dark Bane has been updated.
Nov 03, 2008
A monday update with two new pages of Last Chance TBH have been posted. Also, with any luck I'll have the next page of the Dark Bane done and up around tomorrow afternoon. Here's a sneak peak.
Oct 24, 2008
Everything went so well the last time I updated. I managed to get the site updated by friday afternoon instead of early saturday morning. But, once again my job at the amusement park shot a repeat occurence last week. They had me schedule for 2pm to 1am. That completely shot my sleep cycle into disarray. And it doesn't help that the other job has me at work monday morning at 4am. So here's the comics I had planned for last week, 2 new pages of Last Chance, 1 new page of the Dark Bane, and I managed to letter a unfinished Awesome Girl story I had sitting on my computer for some time now. I may continued it when I get some extra time but I want to finish the first chapter of the Dark Bane. More next week.
Oct 10, 2008
Well, it's a friday and I managed to update the site with new comics by friday afternoon instead of friday night or sometime early saturday morning. Its not perfect but its a start back in the right direction. Anyway, here's the last page of Chapter 7 and the cover of the next chapter, The Drow Princess. It marks the return of Last, who wasn't going to reappear any time soon originally. But, since he is the title character and we really haven't gotten to know him I decided to cut short his departure. It also features a plot I had planned for the reboot but decided against. I kinda like the fact that I can go back and reuse old plot I started but never finished. It makes me feel creative. The story starts next week and I hope to have new pages of the Dark Bane up as well.
Oct 03, 2008
Okay, I haven't posted anything in over a month. I've been feeling down for a while and busy with other things to the point that I didn't feel like drawing any comics. Well, I'm feeling better now and I've finished these two pages of Last Chance The Beast Hunter, which turned six years old along with KnightQuest Online. Check back next week and I might have something more up.
Aug 28, 2008
No comics this week. I ran behind on next Last Chance comics due to the fact I was adding in more page to the chapter. LC218 was suppose to be the last page of this chapter, but I need to introduce a character and explain some things. Also, I hadn't started on the new chapter. But, I have about eight pages thumbnailed already and it'll be called The Drow Princess. The comics should return next week.
Aug 16, 2008
Another late night saturday update. I had planned to start working on the comics tuesday night but I had a unexpected vistor in my room, a bat. Thats right, a real live freaking BAT!! It took me the rest of the night and the next day to make sure that thing was out of my room. I'm still thinking about trying to draw and ink all the pages of a chapter all at once instead of days before an update. More next week.
Aug 09, 2008
I finished two pages of Last Chance and saw Pineapple Express. LC215 has references from all the way back to page LC029 in chapter two, The Collector. I've also cut back on adding grays to the pages in order to speed up the production time of the comics. I have more days off next week so I'm going to try to pencil and ink as many pages as I can to be ahead for a change. But I did start playing browser games and bought a playstation2 during the last hiatus, so who knows. I should have some new sketches up on the livejournal this week. Check it out.
Aug 02, 2008
Okay, I'm back with new comics after weeks on hiatus. I didn't plan on it but it just happened. With the two jobs, I needed some time to rest and working on the comics became the thing that had to go. Hopefully, I can continue as is with the updates each week without another stop in production. More next week.
July 12, 2008
Only one new page of Last Chance this week. Also updated the story page to Last Chance as well.
July 5, 2008
Last weekend I had a bit of trouble uploading the new pages. The comics themselves were up, but I had problems uploading the pages they were on. Anyway, I was busy trying to fix that, uploading last chance comics to the drunkduck mirror and looking for old knightquest sketches/notes that I didn't draw any new comics this week. Next weekend should be better with the comic update. And I'm busy updating various things on the site. The new dark bane pages have a background and the kq prelims page has a new sketch of the elf spirit Jailya that Rafael summoned a few pages back.
May 31, 2008
We're back with two new Last Chance comics and one new Dark Bane page. I'll try to finish up the second DB page up by monday. More next week.
May 26, 2008
I know I said that I would update LC and other comics last friday, but many things came up. To tide you all over until this friday's update, here's a unfinished Super Mario & Princess Peach sketch.
May 16, 2008
And we're back. 2 new Last Chance pages and 1 new BFB page after a two year break. More next week.
May 02, 2008
Continuing with our two year celebration, here's the four page Demon's Heart story, called The End of Roun. Right now, this will be the only Demon's Heart story for a long time. The Dark Bane, Last Chance and the other comics I got planned should return next friday.
APRIL 29, 2008
Two years ago today I launched version three of KnightQuest Online here at KnightQuest-Online.com. To celebrate I have two new Last Chance comics and FOUR new Dark Bane comic up right now. Check back next friday and I should have a new Bear From Beyond page and a short, four page Demon's Heart story. More Later.
Mar 28, 2008
I'm back with two new comics each for the Dark Bane and Last Chance. I'm also updating and adding to the gallery and cast pages. More comics next week.
Mar 21, 2008
No new comics this week due to the fact that the amusement park I work at is open for the season tomorrow. With working at the store and now the park I really didn't have any spare time to finish anything. But I have been working on some new sketches and trying to build a buffer of inked pages to make updates easier. And the Dark Bane is being featured on the main page for the first time.
Feb 15, 2008
After The Fall, The next chapter of Last Chance begins. And you can see a unfinished sketch I did of Capt. Jack Sparrow. I just started doing it from memory and then I couldn't remember exactly how Jack looked and stopped.
Feb 02, 2008
Okay, the final page of It All Falls Down is finally here. I've had this image in my head for years. After I got screwed over by my first webhost with the first Last's Chance series, I was stuck plotting out what would happen next. This lead to many ideas that remained after I decided to relaunch the comic. What happens to Last on this page starts off what happens next.
Jan 25 2008
Well, once again we have updates for Last Chance and The Dark Bane. They were finished last friday but I was just to tired to letter and add what color their is to them until yesterday. And it took most of the day for me to do the last chance pages. I really need to find a better way to add tones to these damn pages.
Jan 12 2008
Last Chance and The Dark Bane have two new pages. Several pages of the Dark Bane have also been fixed.
Dec. 20, 2007
Last Chance and The Dark Bane have new pages up. There are also new sketches up on the Dark Bane prelims page.
Nov. 19, 2007
The Dark Bane is back with a new page. It's funny. I had planned on finishing the latest page of the Dark Bane up along with the last page updated back in october but I just could do it. I mean, I had started to ink the page before I had even finished laying down the pencils. After all that has happen the last two weeks, I went and finished this page first before I even started on the last two pages of Last Chance. It the damn lettering and grey tones that trip me up. I really have to work on this. Anyway, the stories continue next week.
Nov. 12, 2007
Well, I'm back. I had to take some time off from the comic because I wasn't getting any real sleep through most of september. My jobs have different working hours and the only day I got any rest was the one I usually spent drawing. So, I took some time off. I got some rest, went to my 10 year high school reunion, caught a cold that prevented me from working the last operating day of the park, went to louisiana to attend my grandmother's funeral, got over the cold and had a birthday. So now I'm back as well as Last Chance The Beast Hunter. KnightQuest The Dark Bane will update as well later on this week.
Oct. 02, 2007
Well, its a little late thanks to work, but we have two new pages of Last Chance and The Dark Bane to help celebrate our Five year anniversary.
Sept. 22, 2007
After missing last week, Last Chance and The Dark Bane have been updated with two new pages. The next update maybe posted a bit late, but I am planning on having new comics when KnightQuest turns five years old.
Aug 17, 2007
Last Chance has three new pages and the Dark Bane has one. Busy with drawing these pages, it wasn't until wednesday that I found out that Mike Wieringo died last sunday. He was the first comic book pro that I ever met. A couple years back, he held a presentation at VCU, where he graduated and I was attending. He showed samples of his work, and after the presentation I went up a talked to him. I got a couple of my comics signed and showed him my sketchbook. It's kind of embarassing, because I hadn't drawn in that thing for a couple of years but it was the only collection of my artwork that I had. He gave me some advice, that I needed to study anatomy, but he wasn't mean about it. And really, most of what was in it is now up in the junk gallery.
Anyway, Mike Wieringo was doing what I wanted to do. He was drawing comics! Superman, Spider-man, Flash, his own work, etc and etc. He was from Virginia, he went to VCU, he lived in Richmond, and he was drawing comics. I only met he that one time, but it was thrilling. And to find out that he died was just shocking. My regards are with his family. Excelsior, Mike, excelsior!
Aug 10, 2007
Chapter 6 continues with the fight we left back in the last chapter. Also, the last three pages from The Bear From Beyond have been resized. More comics next week.
Aug 02, 2007
Chapter 6 is off to start with a finished cover and two next pages featuring the return of the old wizard from the previous Last Chance series and the first appearance of a character that has been on the cast page for the page couple of years.
July 30, 2007
Chapter 6's cover is now up. And I also updated the story so far page to cover the events up to Chapter 5's end.
July 20, 2007
Chapter 5 of Last Chance The Beast Hunter is finished with two new pages. Chap 6 what ever I'll call it will start next week hopefully.
July 07, 2007
After a trip to this year's Anime Mid-Atlantic con here in Richmond, I'm back with a new Last Chance page.
June 08, 2007
The next two pages of Last Chance are being worked on as we speak and should be updated later today or tomorrow morning. I've also updated the gallery. Fedx sent in a Kustom Pin-up that's now in the Gift art gallery. More later.
May 04, 2007
Last Chance has been updated a day early. I've also decided to feature sites that I like. We start with ElectricSportsBra, Inu's Sick House, and Backfire. Next week I'll have another Last Chance update as well as The Dark Bane and others.
Apr 28, 2007
Its been over a year since KnightQuest moved to www.KnightQuest-Online.com. To celebrate, I've updated Last Chance and The Dark Bane with 2 new comics each. Look for more updates and comics to continue the celebration in the coming weeks.
Mar 24, 2007
Work got in the way again. So here's a four page update of Last Chance.
Mar 09, 2007
I've decided to do a three page update for Last Chance this time. It won't happen again for a long while seeing how long all three pages took to get done. I've updated the Art Box down below with a prelim sketch of Wendy Koopa from that Super Mario Bros. story I talk about doing. More sketches can be seen in my livejournal.
Feb 02, 2007
After a short break, Last Chance is back with 3 new pages. I've also added a sketch and some fan colors to the gallery.
Jan 12, 2007
Last Chance has been updated and I've uploaded a Bear From Beyond story I did years ago just to show how much I've improved over the years.
Jan 6, 2007
Another year another update. Last Chance continues.
Dec 22, 2006
And we're back with a four page update of Last Chance and I'm also on Comicspace.
Dec 8, 2006
The next chapter of Last Chance begins today. Sacrifice: The Goddess and Her Guard II starts off with three new pages and KnightQuest: The Dark Bane continues with one new page. Last Chance will continue next week, the next update for The Dark Bane is up in the air for now.
Nov 3, 2006
Last Chance has another three page update and The Dark Bane has one new page. And I'll leave the Toccata in Fugue up for a couple more days.
Oct 27, 2006
I've managed to do three pages of Last Chance and start KnightQuest: The Dark Bane with three more. Hopefully, I should be able to finish the Duke of War story while still doing Last Chance.
Oct 20, 2006
Well, I keep my promise and have 3 new Last Chance pages up. I also felt like putting up some halloween background music. Hopefully, next friday I'll have finished comic pages for the Dark Bane story. More later.
Oct 17, 2006
It's been well over a year and Last Chance has over 86 pages and plenty more to come. I'm doing a hell of lot better than I did with the original series. I posted a couple of Dark Bane sketches in the livejournal and added some new artwork to the Beyonderan vcl gallery. More later.
Oct 1, 2006
Sept 29 came and went and KnightQuest Online is now FOUR year old. Last Chance has 3 new pages up this week, as well as some art in the Gallery, and a update to Last Chance Story So Far page. More next week.
Sept 22, 2006
Another 3 new pages of Last Chance are now up. Also, I've added and updated some of the Links pages, and to celebrate the upcoming anniversary of KnightQuest Online, you can now download the Susie beast battle gear Wallpaper for free. More later.
Sept 15, 2006
Last Chance is back with three new comics and a couple of new characters. More later.
Sept 1, 2006
Another Last Chance update with 3 new comics. More next week.
Aug 25, 2006
3 new pages start off the new chapter of Last Chance.
Aug 11, 2006
Okay, I missed a update last week. But I have four new Last Chance pages up and I started a story so far page to explain just what the hell is going on in the comic. More Later.
July 28, 2006
Three new Last Chance comics are now up. More next week.
July 21, 2006
After missing last week, Last Chance is updating again. Also, the Bear From Beyond story, Search for a Savior is finish. More later.
June 28, 2006
I finally uploaded the original Last's Chance series up to the new host. They may not be pretty, professional, readable, or coherent but what's there is there. New comic hopeful up friday.
June 25, 2006
A little late here, but I did update Last Chance on time friday morning. The first three pages of Bear From Beyond are in color and I've updated the galleries with a couple of new sketches. More later.
June 20, 2006
Finally got the all the Beyonderan art up. Most of the old artwork got cut, but as now, all Benedictine Studios Galleries are now up. Also have a home page up for the Bear From Beyond comic. It's rather bare now, but I'm working on adding more content. More later.
June 16, 2006
Only one new lastchance page this. I'm going to a anime convention that being held in town this weekend. More later.
June 9, 2006
We've reach the 50 mark with Last Chance. Three new comics are up. More later.
June 2, 2006
3 new Last Chance comics are now up. Mostly plot. Also have four pages of a Bear From Beyond story. Now I really do have to get the rest of the Beyonderan gallery up. The BFB story will finish up next week and then I'll do the Super Mario story I originally plan to do. More later.
May 16, 2006
The dark bane concept page has new sketches and Gallery 1 Superheroes, 3 Fan Art, 5 Misc KQ Characters, and 6 Junk Art have been updated. Most of the galleries have been cleaned up and some of the old sketches have either been deleted or moved to the junk gallery. I've also added some new sketches and artwork that hadn't been posted before. More later.
May 12, 2006
Two new Last Chance pages are now up. I've also started uploading the galleries to the new host. The SuperVillian and Gift Art galleries are now up. More later.
May 10, 2006
Uploaded more today. You can find the Demon's Heart and Knightquest pages are now up. Both are currently nothing more than prelim sketches and some initial plot and character descriptions. More later.
May 5, 2006
The site is still being put up but, there are two new Last Chance comics now up. New update next week. Soon, I have the gallery and links pages up as well. More later.
Test April 28, 2006
Page underconstruction. Links brokens. Testing.....
Update April 9
One page update this time. The Knights of Metaredan finally make an appearance in the comic. I also posted a new pic of Awesome Girl on the Super heroes gallery. More later.
Update Mar 18
Six page update of Last Chance. More later.
Update Mar 3
I have two new LC pages now up. If you didnt' see the button before I also have a livejournal now. More later.
Update Feb 22
Fixed the comic page. Added a sketch of ron and rufus in the gallery. New comic next week.
Update Feb 18
Its past 4:30 in the morning and I have a bunch of sketches and one new LC comic is now up. More next week.
Update Feb 8
One new LC comic is now up. I'll try to have more than one page up next week. There is also a new pic in the gallery. My fancolor of Frank Cho's Black Panther#8 cover. More next week.
Update Sept 5
I've uploaded some new pics in the gallery, a new Street Fighter Cammy fanart and I've tried my hand at coloring some sketches by Adam Hughes and Frank Cho. I've also added some new Demon's Heart sketches. I've also been having some trouble all weekend uploading pics, so some of the thumbsnails might not be up yet, but the link should work. More soon.
Update March 14
And we're back up!
God, was that ever annoying. The galleries should still be up and running as well as the links page.
Belated thanks to Matt Haley, the artist on Elseworlds Finests:Batgirl and Supergirl for his vote of thanks.
Stay tuned for more!